Mourning Doves

Mourning Doves

We’ve got an umbrella tree in our front yard, and when it’s free from leaves, it becomes basically a Mourning Dove condo. Fun facts about Mourning Doves – they’re generally monogamous, and very affectionate. Their plumage is relatively plain – all tans and browns – but there is a small patch of iridescent feathers on the back of the the neck, which is more pronounced on males. They’ve also got blueish eyelids, which is much more noticeable when their eyes are closed and nuzzling (like in this illustration).

More fun, and somewhat embarrassing, facts – I thought it was “Morning” Doves up until very recently. Also, I always thought that their call was that of an owl. Why did I think I could hear owls calling during the day? 🤷🤷🤷